Tuesday, January 26, 2010

10 Marketing Strategies for Sports Betting Sites

So you have a new sports betting site and you were hoping to compete with the established sports book sites, how do you go about letting the world know the site exists?

In the old days new sports gambling sites would simply just start aggressive Pay Per Click campaigns. With today’s Internet the search engines no longer allow gambling sites to advertise and that includes a ban on search engine PPC. Removing this type of advertising forced the online gambling providers to come up with other ways of increasing their popularity.

There are a number of strategies you can try in order to attract potential members to your sports betting sites.

1. Optimize your site for higher ranking in the organic searches. This is a tough one seeing as the competition is very steep. Don’t use questionable tactics, just be honest with your SEO and optimize the pages for the content that is actually on each page.
2. Generate topical content well in advance of the sporting event that you would like to promote. Generally speaking, search engines can take 3 to 12 weeks to find new pages so unless you are really up on how to get the pages indexed quicker, give new pages plenty of time to be discovered by the search engines.
3. Allow other sites to use your topical content in exchange for a text link back to your site. Doing this allows you to gain extremely valuable one way text links that will help to increase your link popularity. Just make sure you choose the text for that link carefully and the site posting your article maintains credit to you as the writer.
4. Post articles from other sites. Make sure that the article you post on your site is full of keyword rich text and optimize the page that contains that article for the contents of that article. When done properly this can greatly improve your chances of being found in a search engine for that articles topic.
5. Add a Forum to your site and create categories that promote the events that your site specializes in. For instance, if your site is based out of Europe you might want to make a bunch of categories based on Soccer such as Soccer Injuries, Soccer Trades & Rumors etc. Doing this will generate keyword rich, topical pages that eventually will be indexed by the search engines. The more active you’re Forum, the greater the chance of creating countless pages that the search engines will love.
6. Join forums on other sites and actively contribute to them. You see when posting to other forums your signature is added to the bottom of your post. In your signature you have an opportunity to place some text that could be used to promote your site. Also, some forums will allow you to place text links within the signature. Be respectful and do not stuff the signature with too many text links.
7. Add your site to as many directories as you can. Some directories can take a long time for inclusion, the DMOZ for instance, so you should apply to them as quickly as you can after launching your new sports betting site.
8. Reciprocating links can be helpful as long as you carefully search out potential linking partners. Make sure that the sites you are linking to are quality sites that you yourself would actually spend time on. A good rule of thumb is this – if you would bookmark the site others would probably bookmark it as well and therefore, the site would be a good site to trade links with.
9. Offer affiliate programs to other webmasters. If you offer affiliate programs make sure that you actually pay your affiliates in a timely manner. You would be surprised at how many sites actually don’t treat their affiliates very well. Treat the affiliates like the limited partners that they are and that level of respect will more than likely result in your banners and text links gaining better placement on the affiliate’s websites.
10. Purchase banner space on sports related websites. This can be an expensive proposition so you really need to take care in selecting the sites you want to buy banner space on. Don’t base your decision on Alexa ratings alone as these can easily be skewed. Also be wary of sites stating Hits and Impressions as their verification on traffic. The best stat to base you purchase on is monthly unique visitors and don’t take their word for it, use an independent third party tracker for unbiased results.

Just like everything else in life there are no guarantees but if you adopt some or all of the above mentioned marketing strategies, your site should see improvements over a short period of time.

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Credit Card Secrets

Information is power is an old adage we have all heard before, but in this time of mass media and the internet, the right information can truly empower an individual. Nothing more evident of this is the information big business hides from the average consumer. Knowing certain things only a privileged few who are in the credit industry know can save you thousands of dollars. Have you ever heard of "Universal Default" or "Interest Backdating"? Probably not, let us explore these and other little known secrets of the credit card industry.

Did you know that if you fall behind with one creditor/account, that other creditors will know about it and penalize you by raising their interest rate or minimum payment? This is referred to as Universal Default. Creditors will pull credit reports throughout the life of an account to review various things like, to see if the consumer qualifies for other products or to see if the consumer has become a greater risk. Most creditors will do this about 2 times a year and according to their contracts with you when you applied for the credit can raise the interest rates or change other terms at their discretion. To protect against this you need to pay attention to your monthly statement and read the fine print.

Did you know that some credit cards will charge you interest from the day of the purchase, even though they don't pay the merchant until several days later? Interest backdating is not that common anymore, especially with larger creditors or those who specialize with customers with good credit. The only way to know for sure if your creditors practice this, is to read the fine print and often the only way to avoid this if they do, is to pay off your monthly balance in full.

Did you know that some sub-prime credit cards will charge you to pay your bill online or over the phone? They are supposed to disclose the fee prior to processing it, so if you have been hit with the fee, you probably want to send it by mail in the future. We pay credit card companies enough without the nickel and dime routine they play with fees.

Did you know that the time of month your creditors report your status to the bureaus can affect your credit score? If your creditor sends their information to the bureaus the same day they mail your statement, your debt will report larger because you have yet to make the payment for that month yet. Your FICO score is dependant on several factors, one of which is your total debt compared to your available credit, so if your debt is higher (because you haven't made a payment yet) your score is calculated lower, even if you pay your payments on time. The only way to avoid this is if your creditor reports later on in the month after they have received your payment or if you make your payments before they report (before you receive your statement).

Did you know if you are in good standing with your creditors and have a good history of paying on time you can lower your interest rates? The credit card industry is very competitive, with all the low introductory rates and balance transfer incentives out there, a credit card company would rather keep a customer happy then have to spend to go find new ones. Use this to your advantage and call them and say you are considering doing a balance transfer to a different creditor and want to know your balance. They'll probably transfer you to a different person who will do their best to keep your business. This includes lowering your interest rates, etc. Remember, you have to be in good standing to utilize this negotiation tool.

Did you know if you have a bank account with a creditor that you also have a credit card with, they may access the bank account to retrieve payment on the credit card? This is allowed by your permission on something you may have signed; the documentation refers to this as "Right to Setoff". Most people don't read the fine print and realize this. To avoid this you need to keep your accounts with different institutions.

Did you know you are paying twice the fees on cash advances? Most credit card companies enforce both transaction and finance fees for cash advances. Don't take out cash advances, it's a bad idea and there is no way around the fees.

Hopefully with this knowledge you can add some size to your wallet, but if you still need help with your debts you may consider working with a professional debt relief company like [http://www.negotiatemydebt.com/] who has insiders that can give you consultation on your debt and ways to get rid of it. Credit is a privileged resource, not a right; but anyone can become privileged with the right information and help.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Free Online Business Is Not Necessarily "Free"

Almost every hour of every day, the Internet turns up with more advertisements to entice people who are interested in starting up their own online business. Why not start an online business, indeed? First off, it is quite lucrative, once you know what you have to do, what you need and how hard your resolution must be to succeed.

Having assured yourself of a sensible and thorough decision, you can start looking up for free online business advertisements. Weigh up your prospects and see the most lucrative of them all. However, you also need to see the reality that free online business is not necessarily free. There may only be some aspects in the business wherein you do not have to invest any amount to actually open up your online business.

Otherwise, there are bills to pay -- internet access, computer maintenance, electric bills, food, etc. Keeping this in mind will prevent you from getting bitterly disappointed.

Next, look up actual experiences of online entrepreneurs who are now earning thousands of dollars. From their experiences you may learn several things that will help you become ready than ever to launch your free online business.

- On getting a domain - Accept the fact that you cannot open up an online business without a website. In looking for a domain, there will be some free offerings while some are paid. Either you choose the free online business domain offerings or the paid ones, remember to research on the features of the domain you will get before starting any transaction. If your online business need more than what the free online business domains are offering, do not hesitate to register in a paid domain.

- On Web hosting - your online business domain must reach everywhere. Better not search free offerings for these and choose the best services, even if they might cost you some dollars. However, choose the web hosting service that offers the ones you need. Do not spend on other features that you do not require.

A reliable web host has great uptime record, offers excellent customer service and has a reputation in the search engines. You do not need empty promises in web hosting services.

- On Website stats - Your online business will rely largely on the users it attracts. It is important to have a great tracker that will actually show you how many visitors you got and be able to identify each one. You must also know their reaction to your website. Know the pages they view most, so that you can refine your website and improve your marketing efforts.

- On Ad tracker - like the website stat, advertisement tracker assists you in knowing which of your marketing campaigns have the best results.

With the advertisement tracker, you will know how many users responded or reacted to your ad. Probably not all your marketing techniques are effective. With the ad tracker, you will know exactly what marketing techniques to retain and continue doing.

- On Auto responders - these tools will assist you in following up your numerous client's requests and queries with necessary data they ask for and you think, they might need.

- On List hosts - for your free online business to prosper, you must know how to capture your target customer's email address. By knowing their e-mail addresses, you can contact them on a more personal level and build a trusting and credible business 'relationship' with them.

Your free online business will also flourish more, if you as its manager and administrator educate yourself in making your venture prosper. Many courses online offer free online business training and comprehensive orientations.

Many free online business information from reputable websites give you tons of tips on handling your internet business.

Free online business may not be very free. Nevertheless, in breaking down the aspects you need to have and know in getting started, you will find many free offerings to take advantage of.

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